eBook Red Agony of Gulag

eBook Red Agony of Gulag

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Personally, I had reached the stage where suffering had turned into joy, the joy of suffering. Therein lay my strength here: any suffering, no matter how intense, could no longer divert me from my path. I was aware and I knew why. I was ready at any time for the supreme sacrifice, which I considered a blessing, and at the thought of which I felt boundless satisfaction. All pressures, of all shades, moral or physical, of all intensities, no longer had any power over me. I had come to defy death.

—Ioan Teodorescu
Bucharest, March 9, 1995


eBook ePUB Red Agony of Gulag – Ioan Teodorescu – Editura Letras, 2023

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Memoirs of a Romanian Officer from The Second Warld War

Excerpt from text:

In March 1944, I was sent back to the regiment where I had done my training, with the rank of cadet adjutant, and was assigned to the pioneer company of the regiment, as commander of the Brandt 60 mm gun platoon. Its usual mission was to supervise and guard the pioneers during mining operations, and his special mission was to guard the regimental command post. The company commander was Capt. Paduraru.

I continued training instruction with the group, the regiment being reorganized to be sent to the front again. At that time, the Soviet armies had reached the Nistru river, occupying a part of northern Moldavia and Bessarabia. We were camped in Smârdan commune, a few kilometers from Calafat. From this second period of internship at the regiment, I remember several events that I will try to narrate in the following pages.

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