Pieces of summer

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Pieces of summer – Marieta Arminda Andrei – Editura Letras, 2024

This is not a self-help book, nor is it about self-development, but it is, in fact, a beautiful story about hope and love. But not any simple story you see in the Hollywood movies, although the story reaches California at one moment. No. This is a real story. It’s not a story that will teach you how to live your life, but rather, it will inspire you to ask yourself if you really live your life. It will challenge you to change the way you look at life, at yourself, at your choices… and then, if you choose to accept this mission, you will cry, you will laugh and if you play the songs then you will definitely dance and maybe even sing, and in the end, you will fall in love with summer again… because there is still hope of a great summer after all.
–Ada Chindea

This book is about freedom more than anything else. Freedom to feel. Freedom to be wrong, messy, chaotic and imperfect. Freedom to befriend the darkness.
Freedom to be yourself no matter how inconvenient, uncomfortable and alienating it might feel at times. By writing it, I gained a little more freedom from and for myself.
–Marieta Arminda Andrei

Despre autor:

Marieta Arminda Andrei was born in 1986 in Braila and she is a mindset coach. She also has over 15 years of experience as a translator and is one of the founders of the Origini dezvaluite NGO, which provides mental health services to women and youth from disadvantaged environments. Pieces of Summer is her debut novel.

Marieta Arminda Andrei

Marieta Arminda Andrei

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